Factoring and StartUp is a mechanism of raising Legal entities funds from general public, the goal of which is to sell the Customer’s product, or, if necessary, to help the Customer conduct events for supporting his business, etc. We use 3 models of StartUp which provide for different remuneration for sponsors:

      • Without remuneration (donations)
      • Non-financial remuneration (Kickstarter model)
      • Financial remuneration (Crowdinvesting) The latter is conducted using one of the following models:

    a) Royalty,

    b) Crowdlending and Equity startup,

    c) Factoring and StartUp allows us to receive, and respectively provide to the Customer the required funding without involvement of banks, venture funds or exchanges.

*NB! Elsem Grupp OÜ is completely responsible for the correct operation of its IT platform. Elsem Grupp OÜ does not guarantee to investors the safety of their funds. Investors are required to independently negotiate all possible risks directly with the Customer - the Seller and/or the Buyer!

*NB! Elsem Grupp OÜ does not provide services of the investing through the its IT platform for individuals and not provide services through the its IT platform that require licensing.

Payment form          Simple as:  A  B  C  

A - Register to section of the site:  My account

В - Send Application form:     Crowdsourcing

С - Send Payment form:        Here!

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are filled in accordance with the demand of the payment institution

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