In order to solve different B2B tasks we extensively use the crowdsourcing method: - use of “collective consciousness” for solution of tasks set by the Customers. If the given project requires additional funding, we use the crowdfunding method. The В2В system is a centre – a big innovative electronic market of products and services, all participants of which are aimed at honest and long-term cooperation. Trade on big trading platforms also means organisation of trading sessions by Customers, and the electronic B2B system informs all other participants in the organisational process of such trading sessions. Subsequently a supplier can independently find trading sessions that interest him, or announce sale of his own goods and services, which helps to maintain control over profitability of his process of sales and purchases.

For Customer companies it represents a great opportunity to attract new creative specialists, as normally many different people participate in performance of a task. Freelancers acting as service providers have an opportunity to materialise their ideas, complement portfolio and enhance work experience. Crowdsourcing is the shortest and most optimal way to complete tasks of the Customer, engaging a wide range of specialists in relevant fields for that purpose. Communication with service providers and checks of their operations are performed exclusively by our team using information technologies. For Customer companies this means a significant reduction of costs and absence of the need to communicate with freelancers, which is usually required in such cases. Therefore, this way allows to save a lot of time and nerves, as usually performance of tasks involves plenty of people. In the end, all that matters to a Customer is a high-quality final product, and other things, such as work experience, education and qualification, are checked by our team. All rights to the obtained final product usually belong to the Customer company, which is entitled to sell the product at a profitable price at its own discretion.

An order can also be divided into micro-tasks which then form separate projects.

Tender platforms used by us represent one of the types of platforms for crowdsourcing. In this case a Customer creates an Order, placing a certain task. Providers send us their options for solution of the given task, simultaneously commenting and evaluating each other’s work. Eventually one or a few best works are selected. If the winning works are accepted by the Customer, their creators are rewarded financially.

Application form         Simple as:  A  B  C  

A - Register to section of the site:   My account

В - Send Application form:          Here!

С - Send Payment form:     Factoring and Crowdinvesting

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